Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 27 - Leaving for Cape Breton/September 28 - The Cabot Trail

Stuart took over the navigators job, YAHOO!!!

Just a short drive today, we stayed in Badeck at Adventures East RV Park and Campground, hardly anyone there, very quiet.

Stuart, Jenny and I went to a Ceilidh in Badeck, it was good but not as good as the one we went to in PEI.  There was a 90 year old woman there dancing a jig, her feet weren't moving much but the rest of her sure was. They had a square dance with wheel chairs, that was interesting and the old folks were really happy, they love that sort of thing.  Look what we all have to look forward to. There was a photographer there with a huge flash that was annoying the hell out of everyone.  At there intermission they served Oat Cakes and Tea.  Dalton stayed home as he was not feeling well and wanted to rest after the drive, however, he did manage to see the Alexander Graham Bell Museum, had no idea he was involved in so much.  What an interesting place, should be seen by one and all.
Jenny enjoying the trip horizontally

Wheelchair square dancing

The two on the end are married, the one in the middle was a guest

A 90 year old Jigger

A little step dancing
September 28 - The Cabot Trail

Dalton came down with the Flu so he was feeling really bad - he missed the Ceilidh last night and today is missing the Cabot Trail.

Stuart, Jenny and I left around 9:00 and arrived back about 4:30.  It is a very scenic drive, we stopped for a picnic lunch overlooking the water.  Jenny wanted to put her fingers in the Atlantic, I went with her, a wave came along and I wasn't quick enough so got Atlantic wave soaked shoes.

We stopped for gas and there was a little general store there, this guy came in and started playing, after we got on the road again we saw him playing to some people at a scenic turnoff

Just had to show my son that he is even famous on the East Coast

Many places have chairs aimed at the scenic view

Aren't they cute

A land locked Lighthouse

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