Monday, September 17, 2012

Evening of September 15 in Shediac
The thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, then the sky opened up and it rained like hell.  After the noise from that stopped we could hear (what sounded like wood being chopped) and then peels of laughter...someone was having a party....we had to find out who...and where.  There just happened to be a huge tent filled with people just behind us, we went inside and found a bunch of people playing a game of "toss the washer" for lack of a better name.  There are two boxes, long and narrow with 3 holes in the top, the boxes have a string from one to the other (in a straight line).  The teams consist of 2 players, one beside each box, and having 3 washers each.  The player stands at the end of one box and tosses the washer into one of the holes of the other box, the holes are worth 1, 2, or 3 points.  The game goes to 21 and you have to get the exact number of points to win.  Anyone can play but by the time we got there things were starting to settle down as quiet time is 11:00. I think we arrived at 10:30.  They were having so much fun and everyone was so excited, including us, the French was flying, they all spoke French but when they were speaking to us the spoke in perfect English, no hint of an accent.  They are truly amazing.

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