Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 25 - Picking up the Tasmania Hagells
We picked up Stuart and Jenny at the Airport and immediately started sight-seeing.  We went down to the Harbour and wandered around the shops - read all the information about Halifax nearly being destroyed by the munitions ship that exploded in the harbour during the war and all the other appropriate things.

Stuart & Jenny arriving in Halifax

The Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove

Stuart, Jenny and Dalton at Peggy's Cove

On the way home we stopped at Peggy's Cove.  Dalton and I had gone yesterday to reconnoiter along with about 15 bus loads of tourists off the cruise ships.  It was a fascinating place, only about 35 people live there but there still is lots to see. The Lighthouse and the area around it is so very interesting, you want to capture it from all angles. 

 It is a very unique place.  We enjoyed it both times we went, even with all the tourists, we don't think of ourselves as tourists.

A short distance away is a Memorial to the Swissair Flight 111 that crashed into the ocean in 1998 killing all 229 passengers and crew.  It is beautiful and very tastefully done.

They took a huge piece of granite, sliced it down the middle and carved the writing in.  It is really nice to see.  A very fine tribute.

September 26 - Lunenburg & Mahone Bay
We wanted to see the Bluenose so we took a drive to Lunenburg.  On the way we stopped for coffee and the cafe had a very interesting ceiling.
The coffee was really good and cookies had just come out of the oven so we had to have one.  The lady who ran the place told us we had to stop at Mahone Bay as they were having a Scarecrow Festival.  They were pretty amazing all right.

A really good likeness of Michael Jackson

the Phantom of the Opera
The Royal Family

Check out the ears - Camilla looks better than usual
We finally made it to Lunenburg to see the Bluenose only to find that it was in dry dock and was going to be launched on Saturday, when we wouldn't be there to see it, so we took some pictures, it had no mast but it looked pretty good anyway.
Doesn't look right with the Mast

Lunenburg had some very nice buildings

They even had a distillery that made Rum

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