Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14 - Woodstock to Kings Landing
Our one night in Woodstock turned into three nights, we had such a good time, a good parking spot, nice neighbors, and free WiFi, what more could a person want.

There are Lots of Irving Service Stations in this part of the Country, Dalton says he is one of the old boys who makes loads of money and keeps it off shore so he doesn't have to pay Canadian Taxes.  He must have a lot of money because he sure charges a lot for his gas.

New Brunswick is much more spacious than I thought it would be, it has beautifully wide roads with wide shoulders and wide medians.  The scenery is also very beautiful, rolling hills, well kept farms, the people who live here must be very proud of what they have because everything is so well tended.

Kings Landing - is an historical site started by the Royal Empire Loyalists.  Some of them were very wealthy, which you could see by the beautiful furniture and fancy dishes they have and some of them prefer not to show what they have, more modest you could say.  These people have beautifully made, wooden dishes and they don't look so pretentious.

The original homes were moved to form the community - everything is as it was in 1830-1890.  People were dressed in costume and acted like they would have back then.

They entertained while we waited for lunch and then moved to the Theatre where they put on a play, they are what you imagine when you think of the Maritimes

The Bar Tender at the Kings Head Pub, Restaurant and Inn, no electricity only candles, he served good beer and pretty good ice cream as well

The Kings Head Pub & Inn

This lady was making beets for pickles, the place smelled wonderful

We watched a cooper make a barrel, he did have some trouble with it.  We watched how they cut logs using a horse on a treadmill, that was pretty amazing.  They said they hooked the horse up, and he seemed to know what he was doing and seems to be enjoying himself, people feed him apples, that is probably why he likes it although I don't know how they know he likes it.
We were fascinated by this, the horse stopped as soon as they said "whoa" just like in the movies

They had a lot of wood to cut and it actually went quite quickly, we were very impressed
 We purchased a bag of Buckwheat flour for pancakes.  The bag was printed in their print shop, the grain was grown on the property, and was milled by one of the workers on his property as the Grist Mill was being repaired, they didn't tell us what the problem was.
Some of the tools of the trade in the Print Shop
We had lunch in the Restaurant, the food was really good, the bread was made on site, however, they said they were not allowed to use their churned butter as the Health Department would be down their necks.  We had the Salmon Chowder and they had for Dessert an Inn Keeper's Medley, a little bit of this and a little bit of that,  A sample size piece of Maple-Brandy Squash Pie, Gingerbread with Fresh Whipped Cream, Buttermilk Pie.  We really liked both the pies but the Gingerbread (they gave us 2 pieces) wasn't our favourite.
Getting ready for lunch, I sure don't look like I should be having 3 desserts

This display looked so nice!  They have a huge auction and party at Thanksgiving, wish we were able to go
 We even got a recipe on how to make Clover Honey, I think we will leave that job to the Bees.
This team picks people up along the way if they don't want to walk, it is a very large place, notice the wooden trough, very ingenious!

Their gardens are lovely, the flowers are still out but the vegetables are already "put up" for the winter

This beautiful wheelbarrow was made by the carpenter on site
We didn't get very far in our travels today - 107.2 km. to be exact.

We just found out today that for the last 4 days we have been one hour behind, we didn't realize until today that we had gone through another time zone.  The signage leaves a bit to be desired!  Oh well, the joke was on us!! 

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