Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 21 
Today Dalton golfed and I did laundry...interesting aren't we!  He got home early and we still had some places to look at so off we went.

We had been told not to miss the Farmers' Bank of Rustico, it is in Cymbria.  The Acadians were learning to read and write and a new Catholic Priest came to the area and he was teaching them about finances, hence the Bank.  It was really doing well until the Credit Unions came into being.  Very interesting place, they had samples of the early money, bills and coins, there were quite a number of coins and some were even larger than the Toonie.
The Farmers' Bank of Rustico

One of the first Acadian Families lived here, they held Mass here before the church was built  

The Bread oven, it's still used today for special functions
The Church in Cymbria

There was a Toy Factory near New Glasgow so we went in and I was able to do some Christmas Shopping, interesting place.  They are really back to basics and they make some nice things.
We were in such a hurry to get there before it closed that we forgot to take a picture, it is a really neat looking place.  Looks like it should belong in the North Pole.

We were going to have dinner in New Glasgow, however, just as we pulled in so did a bus tour so we decided we would go elsewhere.  We headed to Rustico where we had dinner, Dalton had lobster and I ate from the 60' Salad Bar - No Kidding - 60' (including both sides) I have never see anything like it, we happened to arrive just before 2 bus tours, we were lucky we arrived first.  I had some pictures of Dalton in his bib, with the lobster in front of him, but I don't know where they went.  I guess I will find them one day.

I had to stick my feet in the Atlantic, I did on the way home, not as cold as I thought it would be.
Both feet, not just the toes

I didn't stay in very long.

1 comment:

  1. Between all the golf and seafood meals you'll both have to get a job before the year is finished. Save some money for California OK
