Sunday, November 11, 2012

October 31 - November 2 - Kinston, NC - Columbia, SC

This is very interesting - Gas prices are 30 cents a gallon cheaper than milk in Kinston, North Carolina, where Dalton's Uncle Ron lives.  Gas - $3.39 per gallon and Milk was on special for $3.69 per gallon.  Unbelievable.

We arrived at Uncle Ron's place in Kinston, he has an acreage on the outskirts of Town, has lots of room to park but getting in the driveway was another matter.  the roadway was narrow, his driveway was narrow with deep ditches on either side and a mailbox on the edge of the driveway.  Well we took the car off and Dalton made it in safely, no scratches or dents.

We visited with Uncle Ron in his Assisted Living residence.  He was in great shape, short term memory is really bad but we talked about the past and either he remembered or he was very good at covering up because we had a really nice time visiting with him.

Not bad for a 90 year old!

We had some tree trimming to do before we were able to get out of the yard.  Uncle Ron has a side driveway that was much easier to get out of but Dalton had to get on the top of the RV to trim some branches but we were able to get out quite nicely.  By this time it was close to noon so we headed south to Columbia, SC.  It was so nice because the closer we got the warmer it got.  Once we hit the border between North and South Carolina the tee shirt and the sandals came out.  It was wonderful after having spent 2 nights and days with the heater going.

I have to say it is another world in the South.  The park we are staying in is directly behind a huge Flea Market and the sights and sounds are very different than what we are used to.  As we entered the first building, the guy at the first booth selling telephone stuff was preaching scripture to the guy beside him.  We left quickly - must remember to smile, be polite and keep opinions to ourselves.

Dalton's cousin Patti came over for a visit, Dalton had seen her before a few times but this was our initial meeting.  I found myself being fairly rude most of the evening, I could hardly take my eyes off of her as she was so much like Ron Hagell, Dalton's Cousin from London, they looked and sounded identical.  She was saying that people have come up to her and said "so this is what Ron looks like with hair".

Patti picked us up to take us to a Chilli Cook-off and Blues Festival in one of the downtown parks where we met Dalton's other cousin Bonnie.  She I have met before as she came to the Gault Museum in Lethbridge when their Grandfather's art was on display about 5 or 6 years ago.  The weather was fantastic and even if you didn't like Chilli they had Pimento Cheese which was fantastic.  The beer was good, the music was passable but the Southern people are really friendly.

After the afternoon festivities were over we went to a little Pub called "Wings and Ail" which just happens to be Patti's favourite place to go.  She knows lots of people there and in deference to us, or maybe it was the fact that the one of the Bartenders and the Manager got married that evening and there were not as many people there as usual, no one smoked.

 Believe it or not...this is a chain...makes you want to run right out and buy groceries doesn't it!

This is at a downtown fountain, can't see it because, Robi, Patti, Dalton and Bonnie are blocking the view.

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