Friday, November 9, 2012

October 28 - Gettysburg

We spent the day with a tour learning about the civil war at Gettysburg.  It was very interesting.  They are getting ready for the 150th anniversary and they have spent a lot of money and time getting the place looking like it did in 1863.  They moved all the trailers that were in the fields, buried all the above ground cables and hydro wires and made it exactly, or as close to it as they could.  There is going to be a reenactment next year so if you don't want to be around 20,000 extra people during the hottest part of the summer, stay away from Gettysburg July 1, 2 & 3rd, 2013. 

I don't know if this was any relation buy my Father's Father came from the States so there is a possibility.  He was credited with saving Little Round Top (a hill at Gettysburg).

 His features were somewhat like Grandaddy Warren (I have been here too long, now I am even talking southern).
 Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address is on the right, his left....

We were told that this was the first time that a monument was made to a speech, but it was a good one.

Lots of Obama/Biden signs around here.

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