Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27 - Still in Columbia -

THIS IS A RANT so if your not interested in hearing our tales of woe, I suggest you do not read any further.

You cannot imagine how much I HATE THE GUTS OF NORCOLD...this is one company that doesn't seem to give a damn about its customers.  Our Insurance Company advised they would pay for a new cooling unit and not a new fridge as the installation and freight costs was prohibitive.  OK, I can understand that...so Camping World ordered a new cooling unit on November 16th.  Don't forget this is after Norcold made them reset the Recall Unit (meaning it had quit before), the reset didn't hold so they replaced the Recall Unit - it also did not hold meaning that it was, in fact, the fridge failing.  We also had to pay for the diagnostic even though Norcold knew it was their unit that was failing.   That evening we suffered the dreaded ammonia fumes, which I already told you about.

As soon as Camping World got the word from the Insurance Company they ordered the cooling unit, and they were advised that it would take a week to 10 days to get here.  That was bad enough but when Dalton and I went to see how things were coming along, Camping World tracked the shipment only to find that, not only did they not send the camping unit of Friday the 16th or even Monday the 19th, but that they were not sending it until Thursday the 29th.  Apparently the company was closed for inventory last week and they still had to build the unit.  I find that so incredibly unsatisfactory, I had to leave the building before I exploded all over the service department.

Not only that but Dalton and I have been sick for the past week, me with a sinus issue and just when I am at the point of starting to feel better, Dalton comes down with a terrible head cold that doesn't want to clear up. 

See...told you it was a rant!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 12 - Continuation

I got so excited when I saw the dog pictures that I was adding that I forgot the rest of the story about the fridge.

The ammonia smell was so bad we could hardly stand it.  Patti brought over a huge cooler so we would have a place to store stuff.  We bought bags of Ice to put in the freezer and fridge to keep things cool for the night.  The entire RV stunk of ammonia, we had all the windows open that would open, both fans were going.  It seemed to calm down a bit and then every once in a while we would get a huge whiff which would stay in the nostrils until the next wave would come along.  Of course we also had to have the furnace on as it was getting cold outside and the wind started blowing as well.  I am certain that in one of our past lives we must have done something bad in this area because we have had so much bad luck here.  By the time we went to bed we were not even certain if we would wake up or if the ammonia would get us in the night.

November 13 - Still here

We made it through the night, no lasting effects.  The smell was gone, even from inside the fridge...YAHOO!!!!

As we are going to be her awhile we took Dalton's computer to the Computer Paramedics to see if they can figure out what is wrong with it.  Our only outing for the day. 

Dalton spent the entire day cooking. 

Much better smells in here today than yesterday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 11 - Still in Columbia

We planned on leaving Columbia this morning, Pattie met us for breakfast to say good-bye.  When we got home it had started to rain and Dalton felt we would be getting too late a start so we stayed for another night.

We took Dalton's computer to the Geek Squad as he had a virus.  They wanted to keep it but we decided to take it in to the next place we were staying for a few days.  Columbia seems to be the place where things go wrong go wrong for us.

Anyway, we decided to surprise Patti by showing up at her evening establishment.  We text her to see where she was and if she missed us yet, she asked us where we were and we told her to look behind.  She was so surprised - that made it all the more fun.  we had wings and a couple of beer (Dalton did) and I drove home.

This is beginning to sound so boring!

November 12 -

We woke up this morning ready to leave only to find our fridge had quit.  Dalton made an appointment to get it looked at.  Went to drive away and the battery was nearly dead in the RV, had to charge it up before we could leave.  It is truly time to get out of this place.  One bright spot - gas was $2.99 a gallon - only cost $125.00 for a fill.  Yahoo!!

We spent the entire day at Camping World, they were trying to get Norcold to honor their recall.  They reset the fridge, replaced the replacement and found it was the fridge after all, so we ordered a new one, now we have to stay for a week to 10 days until the other one arrives and then we have to get it installed.  We also found out they have to take the windshield out to get the fridge in, I don't know what else can go wrong.

At least when we got back to the RV park this is what we saw:

6 cute little Westies

The owner of the dogs, she was taking them to a dog show - 2 grand champions, 2 champions and 2 puppies - I could sure use a new pet right now.

November 10 - Columbia

Joined Sams Club today to as we wanted to stock up on some supplies before heading out as the plan is to leave on Monday morning.  There is no Costco in Columbia but Sams Club is a really nice store and with our new membership we got a gift certificate which we were able to use that day.  We were told that we could also get our money back if we no longer wanted the membership.  That is fairly unusual I would think.

Tonight we went to a BBQ at Bonnie's house.  It was the initiation for her grill and her fire-pit. 
The weather was fantastic, sat outside under the stars with the fire going.  I was wearing my sandals, that is always the sign for me that the weather is nice.
Bonnie & Dalton with Bonnie's fella Chris to the far left

Great fire

Patti's son Russ

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 8th - Charleston, SC

We took a trip to Charleston today with a couple hour stop in Summerville as another one of Ron's sisters lives there.  Barbara took us on a tour of the old town area, very nice, as everything in the South is, old building and lots of churches.  We also went to her favourite Greek restaurant for lunch, it was really tasty.

I had an appointment at 5:15 at the Apple Store to check out my computer as I have been having so much trouble with it and the Geek Squad suggested taking it to the Apple Store as they have no software for Macs. We arrived in plenty of time, what a store, it was filled with people learning about all the products. They have what is called a "Genius Bar" where you take your item needing attention and they solve your problems.  We were there about 3 hours but left with an upgraded computer that was working and all it cost was $20.00 for the software.  We now have Snow Leopard - if that means anything to anyone.

As we didn't get to see anything of Charleston we decided to stay there another day instead of going to Myrtle Beach.  I am so glad we did.  We took a bus tour of the City, you always see so much more and learn about all the buildings as well.  We also toured one of the old houses that had been built by one of the wealthy plantation owners as a summer home.

We had the Tour Bus Driver drop us off at the market and what a market it is.  I believe it takes up about 4 blocks.  There are lots of things for sale there, not as big as the College of the Dessert but the stuff is really nice and you get to meet the Artisans.  We had a conversation with an elderly woman making a Sweetgrass basket, she gave us a deal on one.  It is a beautiful functional piece of art, which is also a dying art as the young girls are not interested in learning and the sweetgrass is becoming an endangered species and only the people making the baskets can get a license to cut it.  We didn't buy one the last time we were here so we figured we had better splurge and get ont this time.

We had lunch in a little Tevern across the street from the market, food and beer were both good but the treat in the Ladies Room was the best.  There was a large bowl of sea salt to give your hands a massage- boy did that feel good!  Yes, you had to do it yourself...still great!!

We had an uneventful trip home, not like when we left to go down.  Dalton didn't look at the map and he was sure we had to go on Highway 20, were were almost in Agusta, Georgia when he realized we should be on Highway 26...sooo heading across country we were, hence the pictures of the cotton fields.
This is what cotton looks like before it is picked

This is a lovely looking feld and just to the left side the owner has an air strip

Thought this was a neat looking bridge into Charleston

Dalton at the Information Centre, nice building

This is considered a single home in Charleston

This, believe it or not, is a submarine located in front of the Museum

The above two is an old Penetentiary, it can't be torn down as it is an historical building, it has to fall apart by neglect before they can do anything with it.  Interesting concept.

I just love the old buildings

This was an interesting on, the wife liked the balconies to be rounded and the husband liked it to be square and this is the result.  There is a walkway in between so the disagreement was amicible at least

This is one of the ladies that make Sweetgrass baskets

They had to build special fire trucks to fit into the fire station as a regular size one wouldn't fit and it couldn't be renovated as it is a historical building

This is the Mansion we toured it is the Joseph Manigault House and it was built in 1803

Beautiful staircase and no supporting beams, hmmm

This is the Comode in the wife's dressing room, is has knobs on it to look like a dresser when the top is down, very inventive!

November 4th - Columbia

We went for a very long walk along the river today with Patti - after having breakfast in the Vista area of Columbia.  Columbia is the Capital of South Carolina and as such has all the requisite buildings, fountains and monuments to view, it is also very beautiful and loaded with parks and walkways.

People are very friendly here and sooo polite, I think they must be taught at a n early age to be polite - it might even be a Southeren Gene, although I am not positive about that.  I am begining to think my name must be "ma'm".

Gas prices are really low but there is a range from $2.99 to $3.39 a gallon.  You have to know your area of town before you go for a fill up.  Sometimes one side of the street, like down the street from were we are parked, will be $2.99 while the other side will be $3.09.  Doesn't make any sense at all.

We finally dug the GPS out of the glove compartment of the car and started using ti.  Sometimes it wants to take us out of the way but for te most part gets us where we want to go in sort order and it really cuts down on the bickering.

 This is an Australian Shephard puppie we met on our walk, isn't he cute!
There was actually someone swimming in the river when we walked by, look in the pool by the opposite bank.  It was warm that day but not that warm.

November 7

Dalton finally got a golf game in.  One of Patti's friends took him to his club.  Dalton had a great time, the golfing wasn't his best but the beer was good and the 19th hole was really interesting.  The place was full of Republicans and Dalton proceeded to point out the error of their ways.  He just loves that type of thing.  After all of that, he didn't get tossed out on his ear and he had everything paid for.  Some people are just so lucky.

The South really is into its College sports, the place goes crazy when a football game takes place.  The RV park filled up with Carolina Gamecock fans, all of the Carolina teams are called Gamecocks and they are loyal fans, believe me, they really know how to show support for their teams.  You just don't want to get in their way.  Apparently all winter long all they do is watch football, it appears to be a religion with them. Needless to say, you can't get a Hockey game on any screen in any of the Sports Bars in the Carolinas.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

October 31 - November 2 - Kinston, NC - Columbia, SC

This is very interesting - Gas prices are 30 cents a gallon cheaper than milk in Kinston, North Carolina, where Dalton's Uncle Ron lives.  Gas - $3.39 per gallon and Milk was on special for $3.69 per gallon.  Unbelievable.

We arrived at Uncle Ron's place in Kinston, he has an acreage on the outskirts of Town, has lots of room to park but getting in the driveway was another matter.  the roadway was narrow, his driveway was narrow with deep ditches on either side and a mailbox on the edge of the driveway.  Well we took the car off and Dalton made it in safely, no scratches or dents.

We visited with Uncle Ron in his Assisted Living residence.  He was in great shape, short term memory is really bad but we talked about the past and either he remembered or he was very good at covering up because we had a really nice time visiting with him.

Not bad for a 90 year old!

We had some tree trimming to do before we were able to get out of the yard.  Uncle Ron has a side driveway that was much easier to get out of but Dalton had to get on the top of the RV to trim some branches but we were able to get out quite nicely.  By this time it was close to noon so we headed south to Columbia, SC.  It was so nice because the closer we got the warmer it got.  Once we hit the border between North and South Carolina the tee shirt and the sandals came out.  It was wonderful after having spent 2 nights and days with the heater going.

I have to say it is another world in the South.  The park we are staying in is directly behind a huge Flea Market and the sights and sounds are very different than what we are used to.  As we entered the first building, the guy at the first booth selling telephone stuff was preaching scripture to the guy beside him.  We left quickly - must remember to smile, be polite and keep opinions to ourselves.

Dalton's cousin Patti came over for a visit, Dalton had seen her before a few times but this was our initial meeting.  I found myself being fairly rude most of the evening, I could hardly take my eyes off of her as she was so much like Ron Hagell, Dalton's Cousin from London, they looked and sounded identical.  She was saying that people have come up to her and said "so this is what Ron looks like with hair".

Patti picked us up to take us to a Chilli Cook-off and Blues Festival in one of the downtown parks where we met Dalton's other cousin Bonnie.  She I have met before as she came to the Gault Museum in Lethbridge when their Grandfather's art was on display about 5 or 6 years ago.  The weather was fantastic and even if you didn't like Chilli they had Pimento Cheese which was fantastic.  The beer was good, the music was passable but the Southern people are really friendly.

After the afternoon festivities were over we went to a little Pub called "Wings and Ail" which just happens to be Patti's favourite place to go.  She knows lots of people there and in deference to us, or maybe it was the fact that the one of the Bartenders and the Manager got married that evening and there were not as many people there as usual, no one smoked.

 Believe it or not...this is a chain...makes you want to run right out and buy groceries doesn't it!

This is at a downtown fountain, can't see it because, Robi, Patti, Dalton and Bonnie are blocking the view.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

October 31 - Maryland

It looks like Maryland got more wind than we did in  our part of Pennsylvania.  Lots of tree are down by the Highway, many needed to be cut as they were blocking the roadway.  We passed about 30 power trucks on their way to help out New York State.  By the look of things, we were very lucky.

As we were skirting around Washington DC and we were passing Pennsylvania Avenue, I was able to catch a glimpse of the dome at the top of the Whitehouse.  I could also see it when we were crosing the Potomac.  Dalton was white knuckling it so he didn't get to see anything but the highway in front of him.  I would have loved to have had the chance to tour the area a bit.  We were going to find a place to park the motorhome and remove the car to go back but by the time we found a place too much time and area had passed that we decided to keep on going.  I guess we will have to settle for the pictures we see in magazines.

Friday, November 9, 2012

October 29 - Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy hit- rain first.  We thought we were used to it in the winter, didn't seem too bad, went grocery shopping as the last grocery store we were in was lousy, Dalton didn't like it.  Didn't have any good stuff so we didn't replenish our supplies and the cupboards were pretty bare.  Well, the store we went to in Gettysburg had been hit by hurricane hoarders, many of the shelves were empty and there wasn't a bottle of water to be found.  We brought our meager supplies home and settled in for the night.  It rained all night and each hour it seemed to get heavier.  At 2:30 AM there were pools of water everywhere but by 8:00 AM those pools had turned into rivers.

While we were having breakfast someone from the park knocked on our door to tell us they were closing early.  I did the dishes while Dalton checked the road and weather conditions, at this point it was still only raining.

We got in the car and went looking for Verizon as we had no way of communicating.  The Wi-Fi quit sending messages, funny enough we could receive them, we could look things up but we couldn't do anything else.

Verizon is just like any other communication office/store, you seem to be there for hours.  The person in front of you always has the biggest problems, just like at the bank or a grocery store.  Anyway, when it finally got to be our turn we purchased a pay as you go phone so we felt a lot better knowing at least we could make a phone call if we had to.

While looking for the Verizon office, we covered quite a bit of area and there are a few properties flooded already.  Anyone who has a stream or a pond can kiss their basements good-bye.

Now the wind started and we had to bring the living-room slide in as the wind was really buffeting us around. 

I decided I wanted to be sleeping when we ended up in Kansas and I made Dalton come with me - didn't want to wake up in Kansas alone.  I put the ear plugs in, stopped the sound of the rain but not the buffeting of the wind.  However, I did fall asleep fairly quickly, Dalton did not.  He said the wind died down and the rain even slowed up, but waking again to rain although no wind so far and by 9:30 AM we are able to put the slide back out.

By the way, most of the town was shut down.  Walmart was running with half staff and the larger grocery stores were open.  There is a Factory Outlet here also - only a few of the stores were open.  No one was shopping, hardly anyone was on the street.  I have never before seen a Town shut down, and for 2 days.  It's kind of scary.

October 28 - Gettysburg

We spent the day with a tour learning about the civil war at Gettysburg.  It was very interesting.  They are getting ready for the 150th anniversary and they have spent a lot of money and time getting the place looking like it did in 1863.  They moved all the trailers that were in the fields, buried all the above ground cables and hydro wires and made it exactly, or as close to it as they could.  There is going to be a reenactment next year so if you don't want to be around 20,000 extra people during the hottest part of the summer, stay away from Gettysburg July 1, 2 & 3rd, 2013. 

I don't know if this was any relation buy my Father's Father came from the States so there is a possibility.  He was credited with saving Little Round Top (a hill at Gettysburg).

 His features were somewhat like Grandaddy Warren (I have been here too long, now I am even talking southern).
 Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address is on the right, his left....

We were told that this was the first time that a monument was made to a speech, but it was a good one.

Lots of Obama/Biden signs around here.

October 27 - Pennsylvania

Dalton really likes Pennsylvania although I don't know how he can see it through the fog and the rain.  Romney and Ryan signs are defaced in the area.  We were staying at the Artillery Ridge Camping Resort in Gettysburg and when we pulled into the park I had never seen so many RVs and people in one place since FMCA in Indio.

We paid big bucks at this park, it was a holiday week-end, who know Halloween would be such a big deal.  It is  Passport America Park but they didn't give us a discount for the week-end even though it said in the book that they would.  We got the last spot in the park and, of course, the Wi-Fi didn't reach us.  The broadband stick we had wouldn't work either and that is when the computer started acting up.

This park went all out for Halloween and believe me it was filled with kids.  They had built an elaborate Haunted House area (I guess it was a Haunted House and yard).  They were bringing people through by the wagon load.  It was directly across the road from our spot so we got to listen to all the screaming.  I was sitting at the computer in the front of the coach when coming directly at me was
"The Headless Horseman", I quickly grabbed my camera and was out the door.  He let me take a picture, it was the best costume I had ever seen.  It was twilight and unfortunately it looks like daytime.
of course the horse left a deposit as well just when I was taking the picture.

It was about 18 degrees that evening, couldn't believe how nice it was.  I guess it was the calm before the storm.   
October 26 - Crossing the Border

We were able to pick up the Motorhome in Barrie, Ontario in the morning and we crossed the border at Buffalo, New York, no agricultural inspection this time, however, we also had nothing in the fridge having been in the shop for a week.  We wasted the usual amount of time on the road, going the wrong way initially, but we did get straightened away eventually.  We stopped for the night in a Tourist Centre after having dinner there, weather was getting cooler.  Nothing exciting to report today, and no pictures.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

As this was to be a blog about Hagells Crossing Canada - this is a perfect time to insert a few pictures to separate Canada, a trip we have thoroughly enjoyed, from going home across the United States:

When all is well with the computer I will be posting pictures of my Grand Puppies (I say mine and not ours because Dalton doesn't want to be a grand parent to a dog).  He won't admit it but he loves them just as much as I do. 

Taz is 12 or 13 and he belongs to Warren, he is a sweet little Pug and is totally devoted to his Master, she really likes her Grandma too.

Sable is 11 Months and belongs to Rob and Rebecca, she is a beautiful little Australian Shepherd, Rob says it's a good thing she is cute because she isn't smart, but we know that she has them both bamboozled.

 I had to add this one, it is a car that we have seen around Hanover from time to time, there are at least 5 boxers and 2 of another breed, couldn't tell what they were, one looked like it might be a German Shepherd.  We were wondering where the driver sits or if the car runs by remote control.