Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 9 - to Saskatoon
We had a fairly long trip to Saskatoon because we took the secondary roads, which were in good shape.  We were heading to Louie and Carol's place, south of Saskatoon.  They live near Blackstrap Provincial Park.  The day was beautiful, hot and sunny.  We arrived at dinnertime, trust the Hagells to make it for meals. 

Dalton worked for Louie when he was in Prince George.  They also have a new baby girl which was one week old the day after we arrived.  Louie thinks we came to see him, but we actually came to see the new addition to the family.  I had never met the other children before so that was an additional treat. 

After dinner Dalton and Louie took the Matthew and Ericka out to pose on a hay bale in their yard.
Ericka, Matthew and Louie

The next day, Dalton and I drove into Saskatoon, took a stroll around the park, didn't take any pictures.  We went to Costco and to the Casino.  I contributed to the native fund but Dalton bailed me out again as well as bringing home enough for a couple of dinners out.

When we got home Matthew and Ericka came to the RV for a visit, I put them on the vibration machine, they liked it.  I also got some pictures of the baby and her parents.
Matthew and Ericka getting their exercise

Isabel doesn't have her eyes open much, she sleeps quite a lot

Isn't she darling!!!

Mom and Dad are OK too!!

Great sunset!

Erick and Dad on the ATV, looks like they are enjoying themselves

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