Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 12 - Leaving Saskatoon
The morning we left was a little sad, had to give up the baby, Dalton wouldn't let me take her.  Louie and Carol made us a lovely pancake breakfast before we headed out.  We stopped for gas at Dundern and it was $120.9, we didn't think that was too bad.  We decided to take the Transcanada Highway from Regina to Winnipeg, it may be a four lane highway but it is the roughest road, outside Australia, we had ever been on.

We took a little detour to Craven, wanted to see what it looked like when there wasn't a music festival happening.  the Qu'Appelle Valley is really lovely.  You could see signs of flooding, I think Saskatchewan had more rain than ever before.  Everything was green, I believe the farmers are having bumper crops this year.

Last Mountain House was a Hudson Bay Trading Post just North of Craven

The first 2 doors held families, sometimes 2 families per room the 3rd door was for single guys

Some of the items in the store

Robi shopping again

These are the bleachers at Craven, sure looks different when it's not occupied

We continued on to Brandon where we spent the night in a Walmart Parking Lot.  We were too tired to drive all the way to Winnipeg.  It's a good thing we stayed because we met this very friendly Manitoban who provided us with some good tips about our Motorhome.  He just came up to us and said he could save us a bunch of money and he proceeded to provide us with some good information.  When they say "Friendly Manitoba" they really mean it.

We arrived in Winnipeg fairly early on August 13th, something must have been the matter with Dalton because when we passed the MacGregor Golf Course, I asked him if he wanted to play and he said "No". 

We checked into the Arrowhead RV Park and the owner was full of good information as to what was happening in the City.  It took us about half an hour to get registered, we told him he should work for the Tourist Bureau. 

Dalton got in touch with one of his relatives and we had a very nice visit that evening.

August 14
We drove into the City and went to "The Forks" it is where the Assiniboine and the Red River meets, it is a huge park with walking trails along the river as well as boat rides, which we took.  We walked on the Riel Bridge, it is really unique.  The boat ride was really nice as well.  The Legislative buildings are really beautiful, we took a picture from the water side but not the street side, which we should have because it is also beautiful.  The architecture is really impressive. 

This is the second week of Folklorama which is the world's largest and longest running multicultural festival of its kind.  There are several pavilions where you can eat the food, listen to the music, take part in the celebration.  Tonight we went to the Scandinavian Pavilion, it was fantastic.  There was all types of folk dancing, adults and little kids alike.  Everyone had a great time. 

Dalton and Robi in the waterfront with the Riel Bridge in the background

This will be the Human Rights Museum when it is finished sometime in 2014

The back side of the Legislature, there is a 23 ct. gold plated statue of The Golden Boy on top

The Riel Bridge taken from our boat

Downtown Winnipeg from our boat

During the winter when the river freezes, this is a slide and it will send you right across the river

A Viking couple at the Scandinavian Pavilion

They were dancing so fast it is blurry, but you get the idea.  It was great fun to watch

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