Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 5th -  Ottawa

Left Quebec City for Ottawa - nothing spectacular happened today.

We arrived safely in Ottawa - Hither Hills RV park.  this is a squirrel haven, all three types, Red, Grey and black.  Jenny is fascinated by squirrels as they don't have them in Australia.  I have to say it was quite interesting watching them.  Thee Red squirrel looked like a baby, it was by far the smallest, was chasing the grey on, it was hilarious seeing them run, then the red one ran up a tree and the grey one just walked across the road in defeat.  I must say I have never seen a squirrel walk.  They are usually running everywhere they go.

Gas prices in our fair capital are 125.3, much cheaper than in Quebec.  They have a 15% tax there.  I guess I won't complain anymore, at least not for awhile, until I forget about it.

October 6

Rained heavily all last night, thought we would be flooded out by morning.  The sun came out for a short while today for our tour of the Parliament buildings.  Parking was free, the tour was free - it was also very interesting.  We were especially fascinated by the library which was absolutely beautiful.
This is the Library from the outside

After seeing this you can understand why our taxes are so high.

The Senate

The window they did for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

 And needless to say, the views from the Peace Tower is spectacular
After that we took a bus tour around town in a Double Decker open top bus.  We sat on top until it started to rain, went downstairs for a few blocks and when it stopped raining went back up.

As you would suspect, a War Memorial

Notice the big spider, people actually get wedding photos taken here

I must admit, I never expected Ottawa to be so beautiful.

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