Monday, October 15, 2012

October 4 - Still Quebec City

We went into the Old Town this morning to meet Stuart and Jenny, the weather was not so good, rained most of the day.  Didn't dampen the spirits though, we had a great day.  Looked thru all the shops.

When we went to park the car in the morning, we chose street parking, no more undergrounds for us. There was a city worker right behind us.  We couldn't get the meter to accept our coins so she gave us 5 hours of free parking.  Another example of how kind the people of Quebec are.

While Jenny and Stu went on a ferry ride, Dalton and I found a lovely French Restaurant where we had a really good and quite inexpensive lunch.  We met up with the other two for afternoon drinks.  The guys enjoyed that (they were in an Irish style Pub) while Jenny and I got to go looking for baby things.  We found some really nice baby clothes, seeing as we are both going to be grandmothers in the new year, something else we can look forward to together.  It was really lots of fun looking in all the little shops.  I even splurged and bought an outfit for myself.  One I would probably not have purchased had I been on my own.  Love it though.

It was starting to get dark by the time we left town, totally exhausted and completely satisfied.

A living flower box outside a Cathedral

The opulence inside was unbelievable and hard to take with all the homeless people in the City, and I am sure there are Catholics among them.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where the separatists hang out but we never met one the whole time we were in Quebec. Maybe they only come out of their caves to vote.
