Friday, February 22, 2013

February 14, 2013

This is our first Valentine Day greeting from someone very special:

Being grandparents is the best thing in the world!!!!
Wish they didn't have to grow so fast though.  Can hardly wait for our next meeting!

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013

 February 2nd. Carol-Leah drove us to the Airport for our flight to Toronto.  The weather in Palm Springs was beautiful about 22 degrees.  Dalton had booked aisle seats Row 21 (best seat in the plane) we had no seatmates we both had three seats to ourselves.  I settled myself with my back against the window and my legs stretched out taking up all the seats.  What a perfect flight.  However, when we landed in Toronto the weather was -12 and we damn near froze.  We both had winter coats and boots but the air was so cold on our faces while we were waiting outside for the shuttle to take us to our hotel.  The time difference put us at the hotel at 10:30 p.m., in time for bed as we wanted to get a good start the next morning.

The shuttle driver dropped us off at the Sheraton Hotel (where we picked up our rental car) and we headed off to Mildmay.  The weather was cold but sunny and the roads had all been cleared off.  We had a Honda Civic with all weather tires (no snow tires required here).  It took us about 2 hours to drive to Mildmay.

This is how I spent my week...

Dalton had some fun too!

Whenever someone took the baby Sable had to check them out!

Sable always has an eye on the baby!

A good looking family!

Very proud Grandparents!
While we were there Rebecca was able to go shopping with her Dad and spend an evening with girlfriends, I, however, only left the house for 1/2 hour while Dalton and I took the dog for a walk and I had to check out some Lottery tickets I had purchased the last time we were there, as usual no luck.
I even stayed up our last night there so I could do all the feedings, however, at 4:00 AM, Rob came down and took the baby up to her bed and sending me up to mine.  He didn't know he was saving my life...I found out I am not cut out to stay up all night, even though I might want to, I was so exhausted even though I loved holding Elise, feeding her, and even the changing of the diapers, I am so glad I am the grandmother.

The weather turned bad on Thursday, the "Alberta Clipper" arrived dumping about 30 cm. of snow with blowing winds.  We had to leave on Friday as we had to take the rental car back and we were flying back to Palm Springs on Saturday morning.  We left at 11:00 and arrived in Toronto at 2:00, luckily there was not much traffic.  We had whiteout conditions on the highway but at least the plows had been out.  When we got to Toronto, that was the worst part, the overpasses had so much snow on them that our little car was acting as a snow plow.  But we made it safe and sound, Dalton has white knuckles most of the way.  It was a relief to finally get rid of the car and we were able to drown our sorrows in the pub at the hotel.
In front of the Hoegler home in Mildmay the day we left

Toronto when the car was dropped off