Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25 - More baby pictures

Finally awake! I love the pictures where you can see her eyes.

I think Sable likes this new addition!  It is cold in Mildmay, but the mitts are because she scratches herself.
On January 11th we went to the FMCA with Fritzs, Lorans and Bourgeaus (from Florida via Nova Scotia).  We spent a few hours reliving when we bought our RV and checking out what is different this year, we are still loving ours.

We have been doing the usual things that you do in Palm Springs...Dalton has been golfing and playing Pickle Ball and taking Ballroom dancing lessons and I have been shopping and lunching with the Ladies and the other half of the Ballroom dancing. 

January 22nd - the big 65th...
When we woke up we decided to go to Mexico for the day so we had to move quickly as it is about a 3 hour trip so by 8:00 we were on the road.  We had a nice trip down, the weather was nice and we just enjoyed the trip.  We arrived in Algodones at 11:00 where we met up with Bill and Carol-Leah Loran and Karen and Barry Fritz.  We headed to the Food Courtyard as we were starving.  When you are in Algodones you are allowed to have Margaritas for breakfast (or an early lunch).  After eating quickly, as I had an appointment for a Pedicure (a must when you are in Mexico), I took my Margarita with me (that is part of the fun).  When I was finished Karen was trying to talk Barry into going for one, I took him to the shop and asked if he could get a pedicure and they took him to the big chair, with the massaging back and started soaking his feet.  I went back to the table and Dalton decided to go and see what was happening with Barry.  He then decided to get a pedicure as well.  Dalton really impressed the Pedicurist with his soft feet, she thought he got pedicures on a regular basis and was very surprised when he said this was the first one he ever had.  When the guys came out of the shop with huge smiles on their faces and Barry said "I have happy feet" Karen decided she would go as well.  In the meantime someone came around to give neck massages to Carol-Leah, myself and Dalton.  Dalton enjoyed it so much he went for a longer massage, when he returned Bill decided he shouldn't miss out so he went for a massage as well.  We ended up spending most of the day in the Courtyard drinking Margaritas and Mexican Beer waiting for people to be pampered.

Karen, Bill, Dalton, Carol-Leah and Barry

Dalton & Carol-Leah

Barry and Dalton getting pampered

When it was time to leave Dalton and I stayed down to have dinner as the line-up at the Border was really long.  The rest of the group had to leave as Bill's sister was making dinner for them in Yuma.  Our dinner was really good and there was a singer playing a keyboard who was really good.  About an hour later, I went to see how long the line-up was and I saw Bill (in his bright green shirt) and he hadn't made it even with the Restaurant at that point, however, by the time we went out they were out of Customs and on their way.  We had about 3/4 of an hour wait before we were through.  The Customs Officer, noticing my date of birth, wished me a happy birthday, which was nice as they usually have nothing to say that is unrelated to their job.

Dalton decided that he had too many Margaritas to drive home so we stopped at the Quechen Casino but they were full so we drove into Yuma to the Cocopah where we were able to get a room for the night.  We settled in and headed downstairs to the Casino.  We stopped in the Gift Shop to buy  tooth brushes and I picked up a Men's 3X Muscle shirt for $3.00 (made a good nightgown).  The first place I headed was the Wizard of Oz and proceeded to win about $120.00

Our night was not so nice, we had a King size bed but it was not the kind where you can move and the other person feels nothing.  Dalton felt he was being bounced around quite a bit (I guess I was restless).  The room was too hot and the air conditioner was so loud we didn't want to use it, however, by 4:00 in the AM we had no choice.  When we woke up at 8:00 we were both cranky from lack of sleep, my eyes were totally bloodshot.  It was tough trying to look presentable when you left home without your bag of tricks, however, we did the best with what we had and headed down for breakfast.  After breakfast we decided to try our luck again but not so luck this time.

We decided to try a different way home and see if we could find some of the places that Bill and Carol-Leah took us to last year, but we couldn't find the places to turn off and didn't want to take the chance of getting lost so we just went straight home, stopping only once for a Date Shake, which was more like a Sunday as you could not get it through a straw and had to use a spoon, ooooh delish!!!

We got home in time to have a rest before out Ballroom dance lesson was to start.  We were wishing that Bill was there so the Instructor would spend his time watching him instead of focusing on us.  We snuck out early so he wouldn't twist our arms into buying one of his DVDs.

Last night we went to the Thursday Night Market downtown Palm Springs.  We took Sue with us and we wandered through the Market, Sue making a couple of purchases, my only purchase was a funnel cake (haven't had one since Nashville many years ago).  On our way back to the car we decided to stop and listen to the music in the outside patio at the  Hyatt.  There was a fellow playing Blues (Dalton's favourite), the fellow was someone Dalton thought he had heard of, Carl Davis, not to be confused with Myles Davis...anyway, whoever he was, he was good, we stayed there for about an hour enjoying the drinks and the music.  It was much warmer this year.  Last year we nearly froze to death.

This picture was taken when we first arrived, we were out celebrating Pat Bourgeau's birthday -
Sue and Pat Bourgeau, Karen & Barry Fritz, Bill and Carol-Leah Loran and Dalton.  I was taking the picture, and a lovely picture it is....

Today it is raining!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 10, 2013 - Approximately 10:45 - A New Arrival

Elise Marianne Hoegler entered our lives weighing in at 7lbs. 8oz and 20" long.  Lots of excitement on the grandparents part, only to be overshadowed by the parents I'm sure.

Isn't she lovely!!!

January 5, 2013 - Leaving Yuma

We left early this morning for Blythe, California to spend a couple of days with Bob & Pat Hawes, friends from Lethbridge Alberta.  It was cold but clear and sunny, perfect for travelling.

Gas prices in Quartsite, our last stop in Arizona before hitting the high prices of California, were $3.07 a gallon, needless to say, we filled up and of course there was a lengthy line-up at the pumps.  We were in a hurry because Bob had booked a Tee Time for the guys to golf, we had forgotten that there is a time change before Blythe so we had plenty of time to set up before it was time for the fellows to hit the course.

Pat spent the day preparing for "Happy Hour" six people were joining the four of us so we had a very pleasant late afternoon/early evening.  The guys came home from golfing and Dalton was very happy, he beat Bob...both nines were good, usually if one is good the other is not, maybe he is on a new golfing journey.

January 6 - Blythe

Bob and Dalton golfed (what else is new) and Pat, Bev (one of the Happy Hour ladies) and I went to Quartsite to shop.  Quartsite was getting ready for the RV Show so lots of RVs and large tents going up, more movement than the town has seen since last year at this time.  A better time was had by the ladies, the men, not so much.

January 7 - to Palm Springs

Gas price in Palm Springs area - $3.55 per gallon.

We arrived just after lunch and got settled into Lot 139, owned by Wendy and Ian Ogden of Langley, BC.  It is a very nice spot with a fire pit, hopefully we will have some nice evenings (without wind) where we will be able to use it. 

We had a great afternoon re-connecting with our friends, Bill and Carol-Leah Loran and Karen and Barry Fritz both couples from Lethbridge, as well as meeting some new folks, Pat and Sue, from Florida (originally from the Maritimes).  We all had dinner together at the Fritz's.

We had to leave early so we could Skype with Rebecca and Rob to seen when our granddaughter was to be born. 

Rebecca advised us that she was going to be going into the hospital to have our grandbaby on the 10th of January. Now we really have something to look forward to.

Friday, January 4, 2013

December 25th - Christmas Day in Yuma

We had a really nice Christmas.  Our friends Julie and Gerry Jackson arrived on Christmas Eve and stayed with us overnight. 

Julie & Gerry Jackson

Our little tree from PEI

We awoke to find Santa had been here, how he found us is the questions.  We had a lovely breakfast and I was able to use my new Tassimo Coffee Maker, which I love. 

After Breakfast we got the Jackson's firmly ensconced in the Hampton Inn and then went on a tour around the town.  We had limited time as we had to get the turkey stuffed and ready to roast.  We had our requisite stop at the Cocopah Casino, the four of us like to play, some a little more than others.  However, we all had a good time and didn't stay too long so our money was pretty much intact when we left.

We got home in time to get dinner ready, only to find that the turkey was too big for the convection oven and we had to use the regular oven, which had not been used since we bought the RV.  All fingers being crossed, we lit the pilot light and after the third try, voila!  As we had expected to use the convection, the turkey was late getting in, so dinner wasn't ready until 8:30.  In some cultures this is normal, but for us, we were starving, which could have been a good thing if the feast hadn't turned out as well as it did.  The turkey was delicious and very juicy. 

Can't believe the beautiful sunsets here

After dinner the Jackson's returned to the Hotel and we did our skyping with the family.  By the time we got through almost everyone had gone home but had a nice visit with Mom and Jocelyn.  We had tried earlier in the day but nobody was at Jo's yet so decided to try later, not meaning to wait so late.  Anyway we had a great day, good food with good friends and a good visit with family via Internet. 

December 26th

Dalton and Gerry went golfing and Julie and I did the Mall, we had a blast, no men to tap their toes wanting us to get it over with.  We walked to the Mall as the Hotel is right beside it, but it is one of those strip type Malls so nothing is close.  We wondered around the entire place, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that.  We stopped for lunch and just thoroughly enjoyed ourselves for the entire day. 

Next day we went to Mexico, Dalton and Julie wanted new glasses.  Dalton hasn't been able to see properly since he broke his glasses, he took his spare set in and had them inserted in some frames there were fairly close, there was some trimming to be done but the centre point didn't quite match up so he is now very happy he can read.  He is most especially happy because he got a Kindle Paperwhite from Santa which he is really enjoying.

We also did the Swap Meet of Flea Market which is always fun.  You can always get neat things for your RV there.  I certainly passes the time and you get to see all the dogs being pushed around in strollers.  They are better tended to than most kids and they are contained, not running around grabbing things off shelves.  I have noticed the Mexican people don't seem to discipline their kids, they are able to cause all kinds of chaos without anyone batting an eye. 

The Jackson's returned to our home to spend their last evening with us before driving back to Las Vegas and flying home.  We spent an enjoyable evening sharing our various travel experiences by way of videos and photos on the computer.  Julie makes slide shows of all her trips and puts everything to music, I am going to have to take lessons as it is so much nicer to watch than just flipping through.  Although, I must say I do have some lovely shots. 

Jackson's left a few days ago and we are alone again. 

January 4 - 2013

We do seem to manage to keep busy, I have read six books since arriving in Yuma, they have a great library here.  We have played cribbage with a group of people that play twice a week, our last night  will be tonight as we are heading for Blythe tomorrow AM, early as Bob has booked a Tee Time and Dalton is all excited about being able to play golf with someone he knows.  He had a game yesterday but it wasn't as much fun as when he plays with someone he knows.   

W have been to see the Yuma Territorial Prison and we have tested all the Casinos in Town so I guess it is really and truly time to leave.

Next stop Blythe, California.  Looks like I am going to have to sleep in my clothes as Dalton is really eager to go, by lunch time he had raised the Jacks, collected the boards and put away the lawn chairs, emptied the tanks.  I am surprised he hasn't put the socks on all the cups and glasses, he did the dishes while I was typing.  All we will have to do tomorrow is drive away, I am sure the car will be hooked up before bed.